Wednesday, 3 April 2013

FAQ - About the Blog

Fucking milk!
I drink so much milk. I don't know why. It's not like I'm going to grow any more (156cm - come at me boys), but I consume so much of the stuff. However, Korea sells milk in cartons, and my generation in England actually skipped the whole drinks-in-cartons fad, so I have no idea how to gracefully get into the bloody things. 
Literally used a pencil today; a sharp pencil being the only thing in close proximity at the time to aid me in my milk escapades. It was terrible. Milk everywhere. 
And I broke the pencil.


This post will be a small one to explain a few things - some people have been asking questions, so I shall answer them! I'm actually going to let this post start my FAQ sections. So! Let's get on with it.

1. Is it a travel blog?

No, it isn't. It's a Sai ranting blog. Nothing more.

2. How often are you going to update it?

Sorry lovelies, I can't answer that with a defined schedule. Whenever I have free time and/ or whenever something weird happens to me is my answer.

3. Is it a comic blog? Will each post have funny drawings?

No. As shown by this post.
The only time I open Photoshop is when I have a strong mental image or when I can't quite capture something in words. If I have a clearer image than I do a sentence, I'll put in a drawing.

4. Why don't you make it into a comic?

Ain't nobody got time for that (excuse the meme reference). As lovely as a comic would be, I am no where near driven enough to devote that much time to a full online comic. Way too lazy. 

However, I shall put in mini comics when I see fit. Little snippets of my life that made me giggle and deserve a mini comic, okay? 

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